
Youth Peer Support
with Ashley Fitzkee

About the Episode

Date: November 30, 2022

Episode 15: Youth Peer Support with Ashley Fitzkee


Young people, and the young at heart, all over the world are embracing recovery. Peer Recovery Specialists support new paths to recovery by modeling self-care, healthy relationships, and a humble and teachable attitude in order to grow in recovery. Part of peer recovery work is helping the peer in question to find their best practices and solutions to create and sustain help, hope and healing in their lives. A key theme in recovery for young people is the concept of personal authenticity. Being who you really are without excuse or apology is a watershed moment in recovery!
Ashley Fitzkee is a part of the first round of interns with the Region 4 Peer Intern Academy, as well as the first round of interns with Family Support Partners of VA. Through FSP of VA, she is a Youth Support Partner. She created her own support group called the Self-Love Club with the purpose of raising awareness of the healing power of genuinely loving oneself into recovery and staying there. Currently, Ashley works at the SAARA Center as their YPR Coordinator.

Ashley Fitzkee
YPR Coordinator
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