
Essentially, It’s Essential!

In this fast-paced world, it is very important to ‘up-level’ our skills in order to move ahead. In the digital age, basic office skills are non-negotiable across the business spectrum, both for-profit and non-profit. Those who take the time and effort to hone those skills will find themselves further along the trajectory for success. The good news is there are myriad resources available that can be accessed through any smart phone, tablet or desktop computer to help you do just that. 

Have you ever felt like your office skills are lacking? Maybe typing feels like a bad night of poor choices at the local watering hole? Perhaps public speaking seems worse than riding on the back of JAWS? As peer recovery specialists, our field is growing daily and, as with any profession, best practices dictate that they are some basic office skills we all can benefit from improving to enhance the productivity and quality of our work with peers. 

Rather than reinvent the wheel, below I have listed 5 office skill improvement resources for you to consider*. It is not a one-size-fits all but it is a good start. Without further ado, here are 5 tools to help you improve your office skills, in no particular order:

  1. Typsey Typing Trainer – Typing is unavoidable in today’s peer work. Many people ‘hunt and peck’ across the keyboard like a chicken. It’s ok to ask for help. This little app just might do the trick for you. Check it out! 
  2. The 2019 Microsoft Excel Bootcamp Bundle – You too can excel at Excel. See what I did there? Excel is an invaluable tool and it is important to have, at minimum, a working knowledge of the program. 
  3. Powerful Communication Owns the Room – Communication is the bedrock of all human interaction. Likewise, it is of utmost importance in the work of a peer recovery specialist. The office is a great lab for growing your commubication skills. 
  4. Whitesmoke Writing Assistant – Writing can be challenging for many people. I know. I write blogs for a living! However, there are a few skills that are easy to learn that can make you a better writer in no time! 
  5. Essential Business Math – I hate math. There, I said it. To be honest, I have a learning disability in math (dyscalculia). However, I cannot avoid math. Neither can you. Fortunately, there are many tools to help…this is one of them! 

Professional growth is an investment in our lives and is very much aligned with the principles of personal recovery. These resources can be bought for the price of a few cups of Starbucks. I encourage you to take a moment and really be honest with yourself about any areas of basic office skills you need to improve. Sometimes it stings to look under the microscope at ourselves but that is the essence of recovery. You’re not an ant under a microscope suffering a solar laser burn at the hands of a maleficent 8 year old. Rather, you are simply burning away the parts of you, in the office world, that aren’t helpful so you can rise from the ashes of bad typing, poor math, conversations gone awry, unclear writing, and Excel amateur status much like the phoenix into “Office You 2.0”!

*I am indebted to the following article as a source material this blog post. (

~ Chris Newcomb


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