Virginia’s Certified Peer Recovery Specialist Credential
A Peer Recovery Specialist (PRS) is a self-identified person with lived experience with a mental health and/or addiction condition who is in successful and ongoing recovery from mental health and/or addiction challenges. Peer Recovery Specialists use their lived experience to support another person’s recovery journey.
What are Peer Recovery Support Services?
This publication was prepared for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

What is a Certified Peer Recovery Specialist?
Certified Peer Recovery Specialists (CPRS) provide non-clinical, person-centered, strengths-based, wellness-focused, and trauma-informed support while partnering with someone in the development of their wellness-recovery plan.
Certification is not mandatory for employment in Virginia. An individual may support another person’s recovery (peer support) with or without certification or registration. An employer may choose the qualifications, certification, or registration of peer supporters they hire. It will be important for non-certified, non-registered roles to exist so that individuals may collect the experience they need to become certified or registered.
DBHDS Office of Recovery Services
The Office of Recovery Services serves as a liaison between Virginia’s behavioral health recovery community and the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services.
Virginia PRS Certification and Registration Pathways
This publication was prepared by the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services.
CPRS Practice Guidelines
This publication was prepared by the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services.
CPRS Core Competencies
This publication was prepared by the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services.
Peer Recovery Certification Exam Study Workbook
This publication was prepared by the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services.
How Do I Get Started?
Ask the DBHDS Office of Recovery Services
The Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services has dedicated AskORS@dbhds.virginia.gov for getting the answers to your questions about . . .
- PRS Training
- PRS Supervisor Training
- Getting your name or announcement placed on Recovery Blast
1. Attend a PRS Training
You can find announcements about upcoming PRS trainings through…
2. Earn Your Hours
500 hours of volunteer or paid experience specific to the IC&RC domains is required in order to apply for certification. The applicant must be currently providing peer recovery support services.
- Visit the job board to find current opportunities.
3. Apply for Certification
The certification process is optional and depends on the employer. If the employer (like a CSB for example) needs to bill Medicaid for peer services, the certification will likely be mandatory. Not all peer service employers bill Medicaid however.
- The Virginia Certification Board (VCB) is a private, non-profit corporation which offers voluntary credentialing to the substance abuse and other behavioral health professional.
4. Continue Your Education
Seek out other opportunities for continued education.

Scholarships for CPRS Application
Effective January 1, 2022, the Virginia Certification Board is pleased to announce that the scholarship for the CPRS application fee and retest fee has been renewed! DBHDS is currently offering a scholarship for $150 to cover most of the application fee of $175. Therefore, applicants only need to submit $25 with their application materials. The discounted fee is on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Also included in the scholarship is a retest fee waiver. Candidates who fail the exam will have their retest fee waived. The retest fee waiver is limited to one/per applicant. Scholarships for initial application and retesting will be processed on a first-come-first serve basis through September 30, 2025. Questions about the application process and/or retesting should be directed to info@vacertboard.org
Medicaid Reimbursement
for Peer Services
Registered Peer Recovery Specialist (RPRS)
Effective January 3, 2018, all Certified Peer Recovery Specialists will be able to register with the Board of Counseling. Certification is mandatory to register with the Department of Health Professions Board of Counseling. Registration with the Board of Counseling is required for billing Medicaid. Certification from any National or State certification body that meets Virginia standards is recognized for the purposes of Registration.
You can learn more about Registered Peer Recovery Specialists (RPRS) at:
DBHDS Office of Recovery Services Registry of Peer Recovery Specialists
Continuing Education and Training
Copeland Center for Wellness and Recovery
Education, training, and research based on Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP)
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
Peer specialist core training and continuing education
Emotional CPR
Public health education program designed to teach people to assist others through an emotional crisis
Magellan Health E-Learning Center
Educational resources and continuing education
Mental Health America National Certified Peer Specialist Certification
The first national advanced peer specialist certification assures employers that they are hiring individuals with a uniform high standard of knowledge and experience
Mental Health Virginia
Recovery education training including trauma support, peer leadership and facilitation skills
Mental Health First Aid
In-person training that teaches you how to help people developing a mental illness or in a crisis
National Alliance on Mental Illness Virginia
Peer-to-Peer and In Our Own Voice
Person Centered Thinking Training
PCT training serves as a foundation for all who are involved in supporting people with disabilities in Virginia. Participants acquire core skills to assure that people receive person centered supports and get better lives as a result.
SAARA of Virginia
REVIVE! and Peer Recovery Specialist training
Smart Recovery (Self-Management and Recovery Training)
Distance facilitator training in SMART Recovery 4-point program for addictive behaviors
VOCAL Virginia
WRAP Facilitator Training as well as other continuing education programs