Compassion Fatigue

Blog Compassion Fatigue   Have you ever experienced compassion fatigue? Not sure? It might sound something like this: “If I have to hear her complain one more time about that situation, I am going to scream! I am at the point where I just don’t care anymore. I...

How to Establish Boundaries at Work

Blog How to Establish Boundaries at Work Boundaries are something you may not realize you need to have for self-care until you realize you don’t have them. This is true in our personal lives as well as professional. When it comes to work, boundaries are...

New Year’s Revolution

Blog New Year’s Revolution   Revolution (Noun): A sudden, complete or marked change in something Did you say you want a revolution? The Beatles did! We’re 10 days into a brand new year. This is the time of year where people are asked about their new...


Blog A FLY S.W.O.T. ANALYSIS   Ever used a fly swatter? It is so satisfying! Until you miss. Then…not so much. Whoosh! Bam! Whoosh! Nothing but air passing through mesh squares. Nothing but smacking inanimate objects. Nothing but mission failure. But, when you...